How Do I Send Cash To a Non-Yellow Card User Through Yellow Pay?

Yellow Pay is a product that allows Yellow Card customers to send and receive cash easily.

In this article, we will cover the steps you need to take to help your family, friends, or others via Yellow Pay if they do not have a Yellow Card account.

Step 1 

Log in to your Yellow Card account.

Step 2

On the homepage, click on the "Pay" icon and then select "Send."

Step 3

Select the country code and enter the recipient's phone number. (Alternatively, you can select the recipient's phone number from your contact list displayed below the screen)

Step 4 

Click on the  "Check phone number" button to verify if the recipient has an existing account with Yellow Card. Where the recipient is not a valid Yellow Card customer, You will receive a prompt on the screen stating that “the number does not belong to a Yellow Card customer, but you can send them money, and they will receive it after signing up”. Click on the “Next” button to proceed.

Step 5 

Enter the amount that you want to send to the customer, and then click "Next" to proceed.

Step 6

Select the purpose of the funds you wish to send from the list provided  and then click "Next"

Step 7

The screen displays the amount the recipient will receive in their local currency. Click the “Next" button to confirm and proceed.

Step 8

Review the details displayed in the payment confirmation screen, and click the "Confirm" button to proceed to the next screen.

Step 9 

Enter your Yellow Card pin to complete the transfer.

Step 10 

The recipient receives an instant SMS  informing them of the Yellow Pay send transaction.

Step 11 

You can also inform the recipient of the payment via SMS, WhatsApp, and any other share options available on your phone via the “notify your friend” share link.

Step 12  

Once the recipient has signed up and verified their account, the funds will drop into their wallet (Fiat wallet).

Step 13  

Where the recipient fails to complete the requisite sign-up and accounts verification within seven days, the funds will be returned to the sender`s wallet (Fiat wallet)

Disclaimer: Yellow Pay uses Yellow Card's On/Off Ramp platform to complete customer transactions in USDT. Yellow Pay is not a money remittance or foreign currency exchange service
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